深米色 素面麻布 休閒女鞋1011648 NCHM
橘色/藍色 花樣民族風 平底鞋 SWF1002 WPBG
鐵灰色 內裡刷毛 平底女鞋 女款SWF1117 CHR
藍色 線條間隔鬆緊帶 平底女鞋 女款SWF10656 NSTR
藍色 素面麻底 平底女鞋 SWF10080 SLTB
碧藍色 鉛筆塗鴉麻底 平底鞋 SWF10290 DTZZ
SANUK lead the world famous tide of fashion, originated in the United States by all sectors of the people's favorite, become a national brand, pay attention to foot ergonomic design is good enough, even the children themselves can easily wear a pair of good Shoes, soles to PHYLON material, the weight is very light, flexible texture, high cost of material production, easy to perspiration inside the shoes, keep dry, comfortable, light, easy to clean and so on ... to reduce the burden of both feet to protect the function of the ankle ; As if not wearing shoes to walk as comfortable and no weight, long-term to maintain a relaxed and happy pace of walking, a variety of styles can choose to feel like a personal taste, appropriate size tailored products, suitable for all ages travel abroad must wear Comfortable casual shoes.
SANUK 引領世界各地時尚潮流代名詞,源起於在美國深受各階層人士的喜愛,成為國民的大品牌,注重腳部人體工學設計適足性佳,甚而連小孩自己都能輕易穿著的一雙好鞋,鞋底以 PHYLON 材質,重量極輕、質地柔韌、造價稍高的材料製作,鞋內透氣易於排汗、保持乾爽、舒適、輕盈、易清潔保養等…,減少腳底負擔兼具保護腳踝的功能作用;彷彿沒有穿上鞋子走路一樣舒適無負重,可長期保持輕鬆愉快的步伐行走,多款樣式可挑選感覺像是個人專屬品味,適足尺寸量身訂製品,適合全家各年齡層出外旅遊必備穿著的舒適休閒鞋。
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