SANUK 引領世界各地時尚潮流代名詞,源起於在美國深受各階層人士的喜愛亦成為國民的大品牌,著重符合腳部人體工學設計,甚而連小孩自己都能輕易穿著的一雙好鞋,鞋內亦能保持乾爽、舒適、輕便,彷彿無負擔保護著腳,感覺像是沒有穿上鞋子一般輕鬆愉快,專屬個人品味量身訂製品,讓人輕易穿上她出門的手工休閒鞋。
【SANUK】內條紋黑素面-女款 米白色
【SANUK】素面麻底 平底鞋 懶人鞋-女款 米白色
【SANUK】綁帶黑素面 休閒鞋 帆布鞋 米白素面
【SANUK】線條白 懶人鞋 帆布鞋
SANUK lead the world famous fashion
synonyms, originated in the United States by all sectors of the people's
favorite, become a national brand, pay attention to ankle ergonomic design,
even the children themselves can easily wear a pair of good shoes, shoes
Breathable easy to perspiration, keep dry, comfortable, light and so on ..., as
if not put on the shoes without burden to protect the foot to walk relaxed and
happy, a variety of styles can be selected like a personal taste, tailored
tailored leisure shoes.
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